Dr. Kulkarni is the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and Senior Vice President in Baylor Genetics. He is Professor and Vice Chairman for Research in the department of Molecular and Human Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas. He trained at Harvard Medical School, Imperial College at London, and at AIIMS, India. He is an ABMGG Board-certified medical geneticist. In his role as CSO and Sr. VP at Baylor Genetics, Dr. Kulkarni is responsible for developing strategy, overseeing all aspects of lab and ancillary operations. He has been building a dedicated test development team to identify new therapies for both constitutional and somatic disorders. Previously, he was a at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis as the Chief Medical Director of Clinical Genomics and Molecular Pathology and Professor in the departments of Pathology & Immunology, Pediatrics and Genetics. Dr. Kulkarni’s major research focus is clinical applications of next-geration sequencing (NGS) to drive precision medicine in oncology. He leads efforts to define standards for NGS in clinical diagnostics through collaboration with the CDC, the Clinical Next-Generation-Sequencing Quality Standards National Working Group, FDA and as co-chairman of Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) for microarray-based genomic diagnostics. He was on the Scientific Advisory Board of NIH Institute – National Institute of General Medical Science’s Coriell Institute, Bina Technologies, Swift Biosciences, Roche Diagnostics, Cancer Genomics Program at Princess Margaret Hospital-Toronto, Horizon Discovery and Transgenomics. He is the editor-in-chief of Cancer Genetics journal and has co-edited a book “Clinical Genomics-A guide to clinical next-generation sequencing”. He is frequently featured in news media and he has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals such as Cell, Cell Systems, Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Biotechnology, JAMA and New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).